
For All Companies

  • My goal is to present candidates who have industry and product or service qualifications, have a record of high achievement, can excel in the client’s organization culture, and have the leadership skills to hire and develop others.
  • This goal is NOT achieved until the client successfully recruits the chosen candidate.

For US Companies in North Carolina

The explosive growth of life sciences companies in North Carolina rivals established clusters like Boston, NYC-North New Jersey, Princeton-Philadelphia, Baltimore, California, and South Florida.

Some of these companies are start-up and fast-growth. Some are subsidiaries or commercial, R&D, or production sites for US companies headquartered elsewhere. Some are NA sites for European companies. According to the NC Biotechnology Center, there are 725 private and 201 public life science product and services companies in North Carolina alone.

Many of these companies do not have the ability to find and recruit top talent. In most instances, they are only able to attract candidates “actively” in the marketplace.

  • My initial focus is to find local talent to minimize relocation costs. Local candidates can make a rapid transition to the new company and position.
  • North Carolina is an attractive career option for executives as housing and education costs are below the levels found in other life sciences clusters. The quality and availability are unrivaled. Consequently, employment offers do not need to be stretched.

For Foreign Companies in North Carolina

There are significant differences between US and European, Japanese, and Indian headquartered companies. This is shown in their culture, organization and management structure, operating policies and procedures, decision-making process, and so on.

  • KCP actively tracks the careers of US and European executives with international work experience, or who have experience working for a foreign based company in NC or the southeastern US.
  • KMC is skilled at evaluating US candidates to work for European or Indian companies in the NC or southeastern US.
  • KMC has recruited Europeans working in the US back to Europe for career growth positions.

For Companies in the Southeastern US

KMC has expertise in nearby life sciences clusters - Maryland, Atlanta, and South Florida.
Southeastern US Clients List

For C-Suite Positions

  • Currently successful executives, most of whom are not actively in the marketplace for a career change. Contact is made professionally to motivate interest, understand what might be attractive in career development.
  • KMC can get at an executive’s issues that, if addressed in a new environment, lead to successful recruitment of a “star” candidate.
  • Search targets may be In-, Near-, or Out-of-the-Box companies. Good way to add different industries, experiences and skills and abilities at executive team level.
  • KMC is a knowledgeable and professional representative of client. Face-to-face meetings are required.
    CEO, COO, and President List
    Human Resources List

For Board of Directors

  • KMC has experience adding or replacing initial Directors – Founder, Investor(s), Friends etc.
  • Adding Board Members with academic and executive experience can attract investors, and other top talent, as well as bringing very specific skills, knowledge and experience to the table.
  • Candidates for Boards can be of any nationality, and/or have international experience. They can range from active executives to semi-retired consultants. New Directors should have relatable experience in line with current and future anticipated challenges of the company.
  • Importantly, Directors of smaller companies often mentor executive team members and do quasi-consulting work.

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”

– Paul Neal “Red” Adair