
  • Search Plan

    Company and position history, current challenges, and candidate criteria – education,
    industries, positions, management, leadership. Compensation guide.

  • Research

    Geographies, industries, and companies where possible candidates are working. In, near or out-of-the-box targets. Use proprietary database “KCInsight”, developed and maintained since 1995. Linked-In. Conference and association membership lists. Networking with past candidates.

  • Motivate

    Passive candidates to participate. Use Ken Clark “brand name” & reputation.

  • Client Feedback

  • Evaluation

    In-depth interviewing of potential candidates concentrating on personal, educational, and work accomplishments. Focus on strengths, weaknesses, and development needs. Finalist candidates for organization culture preferences, leadership competencies, as well as work motivators, behaviors, and ideals.

  • Quality

    Past employment and compensation history. Conduct reference checks often in-person – superiors, peers and subordinates. Verify education. Check criminal and civil legal records particularly in certain positions.

  • Employment Offer

    Develop with client. Draw on 25 years of creativity. Help bridge differences for a win-win outcome.

  • Deliverables

    3-6 Recommended Candidates with guaranteed replacement. Work just as hard from start to finish, including if a chosen candidate rejects. Never give up.

“Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, processes, and procedures. Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change.”

– Tom Peters